Spring 2023 Inspiration
Did local fashion inspire the collection?
I love the way young people wear traditional dress. Many of them add their own style and creativity in a way that is incredibly inspiring. And, of course, the beadwork and embroidery was impeccable.
How about local architecture and design?
It wasn’t so much the architecture as the colors and local handiwork that inspired the collection.
Can you tell us more about this season's floral prints?
The wild foliage was the most inspiring – low palm trees, brush and grasses – the natural beauty is truly unparalleled.
I’ve already noted the colors of the buildings and manmade elements, but the natural colors are just as dramatic.
Can you talk a bit more about your work with Threads of Hope?
Threads of Hope is a social enterprise that trains and employs marginalized Egyptian women and refugees in very fine embroidery and threadwork.
It was founded by two friends of mine who own Malaika Linens and employ these women to create incredible sheets and tablecloths.
I was blown away by the incredibly fine embroidery in sophisticated color palettes.
View Adam's Travel Guide and Photo Story to learn more about his trip.
Discover the Spring 2023 collection.